Change Location
Examples: 20152; Chantilly, VA; Paris, FR
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Tips and Info
Close- No need to refresh/reload! The forecast and current conditions (world-wide!) are updated hourly. Watches and warnings (U.S. only) are updated every two minutes.
- Click the Location icon to get weather for different locations.
- Click the Location icon to adjust your settings.
- If you experience any bugs or problems, please report them using the 'feedback' link.
- If the weather information you're seeing seems outdated or weird or wrong, try performing a site reset from the settings screen.
ClosePlease submit comments, feature requests, and bug reports using the form below. You may also send an email directly to, or (if you're feeling nerdy) you can sign up for the Intersanity bug tracker and submit a bug directly.
Come on, do it right!
About NNW
CloseVersion 0.9.7
Copyright © 2010-2025, Intersanity Enterprises.
"Everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler." – Albert Einstein
Weather data by the U.S. National Weather Service, Dark Sky API, and OpenWeatherMap. Maps utilize the Google Maps API.
Location data by GeoNames. Weather icons by Tango Desktop Project and OpenClipArt.
Many thanks to the developers of the open-source products that we rely on to make this site work, including Apache, PHP, MySQL, jQuery, and jQuery Mobile.